Tips och tekniker

Artiklar med tips och tekniker

IPMS Stockholm Reseplanerare Vare sig du är hemma eller åker runt i Sverige under sommaren så finns det anledning att ta en titt i Reseplaneraren. Många av målen är säkert välkända, men några i sammanställningen är kanske nya för dig. Varför lägga upp detta på föreningens hemsida? Jo, en vits […]

Reseplanerare för IPMS Stockholm

Utbudet av klipp på YouTube som är relaterade till skalamodellbygge är omfattande och för att underlätta lite för dig som IPMS-medlem samlar vi här länkar till kanaler och och videos som medlemmar tycker är sevärda. Vi hoppas kunna utöka samlingen med dina förslag som du tycker är bra med användbara […]

YouTube tips från medlemmar

Följande artikel är skriven av Susanna Viljanen, IPMS Finland, och ursprungligen publicerad i IPMS-mallari 4/2017. IPMS Finland har vänligt gett oss tillstånd att återge den. Översättning och svensk bearbetning: Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro. Faktagranskning: Hans Fehrnström. För varje modellbyggare uppstår förr eller senare situationen att man konstaterar ett en modell måste utgå. […]

Att ta bort färg från modeller och återanvändning av modeller

Text, Images Lars Befring   One of those annoying little problems when one wants to rivet a surface is how to get equal spacing between those rivet-lines that don’t have any supporting panel-line. This is one way to do it. This nifty little trick was something I learned while drafting […]

Equal distances between rivet lines

by Charles Metz with contributions by others as noted I believe it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: scribing panel lines on a model is a technique that requires some experience to get right. Four distinct issues arise in scribing a plastic model: Choosing the tool to use; […]

Scribing Panel Lines

text and drawings by Martin Waligorski model photos by Peter Alsterberg Not only D-Day   Many aircraft color schemes require painting multicolor stripes of different kinds. The most well-known examples are of course D-Day stripes, but the stripe markings were widely used on other occasions. Multicolor Reich’s Defense tail bands […]

Painting Stripes

by Frank Spahr Masking – Aaargh! I read a posting titled as above of these days at this site’s message forum, and it pretty well sums up my feelings to this point. Masking is tricky, tedious, unnerving and often not quite predictable. Any modeller has to face masking problems now […]

Masking Canopies

by Frank Spahr Filling Being a dentist by profession, and modeller by interest, I have been using some tools and materials from dental supply that I think might be interesting for other readers of these pages. What can dentistry do for the modeller? Quite a lot, actually, apart from dental […]

What Dentistry Can Do for the Modeller

by Roy Hauer The following article is being reprinted from the newsletter of Austin Model Cars Club. Used with the permission of the editor.   Being an avid user of an airbrush I was always hassled by the wife with smelling the fumes when I would clean my airbrush. I […]

Airbrush Cleaner & Thinner Recycler

by Peter Ibes, IPMS Netherlands This article was first published in ‘Modelbouw in Plastic’ – a magazine of IPMS Netherlands . Used with permission of the Editor. Winter Camouflage for Luftwaffe aircraft When Germany invaded Russia in June 1941, the Luftwaffe Generalstab thought that the war would be over before […]

Painting Realistic Winter Camouflage

Tech Tips from IPMS Stockholm Här är några tips för de modellbyggare som vill förbättra sin grundläggande teknik att bygga plastmodeller. Kanske håller du på att brottas med en av din första projekt. Kanske har du byggt flera, men vill ta ett steg till. Några små insatser kan göra mycket […]

Snabbguide för att nå bättre resultat

by Frank Spahr Sometimes one comes across an odd material that prompts experimenting. In some cases this results in one of those esoteric technologies that we all are so accustomed with. Here is one very simple way of modelling structured walls, like those covered with stones or bricks.   Epafit […]

Brick Walls at a Snap

by Martin Waligorski based on the discussion forum posting by Rickard Malmborg Modern kits built and painted as per instructions reflect the original in pristine condition. In contrast, real world objects most often show the effect of aging and weathering. For example, surfaces become bleached, tarnished, painted, scuffed, corroded, knicked, […]

Shading and Enhancing Panel Lines

by Martin Waligorski Seat belts are the most prominent cockpit detail of many aircraft models. During recent years kit manufacturers recognized this, trying to provide seat belts within the basic kit. A common solution is to include seat belt decals. Sadly, because of the decals’ flat appearance this solution is […]

Making the Most of Decal Seat Belts

by Martin Waligorski I’m sure that many fellow model builders out there will agree that masking and painting wheel hubs of vehicles, road wheels of AFVs or aircraft is an ungrateful task. If you are lucky enough to model large-scale modern kit it may contain wheel hubs and tires as […]

Masking Wheels