
by  Janne Nilsson

Overall view of the vignette


This somewhat cute figurine comes from Phoenix, and is a rendition in white metal to a scale of 80mm.

Flesh parts of the figure (which as you can see ”Flesh parts of the figure”cover almost the whole figure) were painted in artist oils. Details were then painted in Humbrol. I also made a new key, as I didn’t really like the one included in the box.

The backdrop wall and the floor were made from scratch. The figure in itself was already very story-telling, so, all that was needed was an appropiate scenic setting…




Denna något roliga figur kommer från Phoenix och är tillverkad i vitmetall. Skalan är 80mm.

Hudpartier (vilka täcker nästan hela figuren) målades med oljefärger och resterande detaljer med Humbrol-lack. Ny nyckel tillverkades.

Jag scratchbyggde basen. Idén var redan klar i det här fallet allt som behövdes var lite inomhusmiljö i form av vägg och golv.











This article was originally published in IPMS Stockholm Magazine in November 1998.