Sökningen fann 720 träffar

av Plasticbattle
05 jan 2024, 02:53
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Magnus bokslut 2023!
Svar: 10
Visningar: 2889

Re: Magnus bokslut 2023!

Never been a fan of aircraft, but always admire your work - perfect detail level and perfect painting. The believable/feint weathering is awesome.
av Plasticbattle
14 nov 2023, 18:25
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Cat 14 M med Mähler utrustning
Svar: 10
Visningar: 3290

Re: Cat 14 M med Mähler utrustning

Always impressed by your scratch-building Mr. Alvhult. Great job once again. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
28 sep 2023, 19:23
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Ukraina War Z
Svar: 13
Visningar: 11337

Re: Ukraina War Z

I know what you meant Frank :D thanks!.. but a white paper as background does make the pictures look a little bit better :)
Absolutely it does, but love the composition of a dio/vignette when it incorporates its own background as well. Even more so than a white background. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
27 sep 2023, 22:15
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Ukraina War Z
Svar: 13
Visningar: 11337

Re: Ukraina War Z

@Frank - Thanks mate.. and I'll try to make the background more neutral next time. But I'm glad you like the 70's wallpaper in my hobbyroom :lol:
LOl. I didnt notice the wallpaper either - it was the sign/background to the scene I meant. :-)
:shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
04 sep 2023, 17:39
Kategori: Allmänna Forum / General Forum
Tråd: IPMS Uppsalas septembermöte…!
Svar: 2
Visningar: 7036

Re: IPMS Uppsalas septembermöte…!

A lovely day - as always. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
30 aug 2023, 19:26
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Ukraina War Z
Svar: 13
Visningar: 11337

Re: Ukraina War Z

@Frank - Thanks mate.. and I'll try to make the background more neutral next time. But I'm glad you like the 70's wallpaper in my hobbyroom :lol:
Didnt even notice the wallpaper. :D :D
av Plasticbattle
30 aug 2023, 10:34
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Ukraina War Z
Svar: 13
Visningar: 11337

Re: Ukraina War Z

100% for composition. Love the height and background. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
06 aug 2023, 01:08
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: På byggbordet: MT-LB artilleritraktor
Svar: 5
Visningar: 2812

Re: På byggbordet: MT-LB artilleritraktor

Fantastic model. Not into modern armor so much, but this looks interesting. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
06 aug 2023, 01:05
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: På byggbordet: Light tank M22 Locust
Svar: 1
Visningar: 795

Re: På byggbordet: Light tank M22 Locust

Lovely little model. Cool addition to the collection - the tracks look great, as does the light weathering. :shock: :shock:
av Plasticbattle
06 aug 2023, 01:02
Kategori: In the Works
Tråd: Lvkv-90
Svar: 8
Visningar: 2278

Re: Lvkv-90

Looks great - I think the camo looks very believeable. I like the light green colour - many have used something that is almost luminous green or green-yellow. :shock: :shock: