by Mats Hammar ”Arne, if I were you I would test the flamethrower some other time.” This article was originally published in IPMS Stockholm Magazine in February 2000.
by Mats Hammar ”I’m tired of this! Will he never learn to use proper glue?” This article was originally published in IPMS Stockholm Magazine in March 2000.
by Martin Waligorski photos by Peter Alsterberg Trend or Coincidence? Recent years brought back the interest for World War 1 models, both on the armor and the aircraft modelling scenes. Here a few examples of the early armored vehicles in model form. All three models have been displayed at the […]
by Peter Ibes, IPMS Netherlands This article was first published in ‘Modelbouw in Plastic’ – a magazine of IPMS Netherlands . Used with permission of the Editor. Winter Camouflage for Luftwaffe aircraft When Germany invaded Russia in June 1941, the Luftwaffe Generalstab thought that the war would be over before […]
by Mats Hammar ”So you managed to assemble the instrument panel without gluing your fingers together.” This article was originally published in IPMS Stockholm Magazine in April 2000.
by Martin Waligorski The Dawn of the Jet Age Early jet aircraft development – a period between 1945 and mid-1950s – is an interestig time in aviation history. In an immediate post-war decade, flight technology leaped from being dominated by propeller-driven aircraft to an era of mighty machines capable of […]
by Frank Spahr Wallace (surname unknown), somewhat doughy-looking knitwear-loving inventor and cheese aficionado, has set up a business in window-cleaning. Aided by his faithful canine companion Gromit, he forms a rapid deployment force against grimy glass. Aided by a launching system faintly resembling the good old S.H.A.D.O. days, the intrepid […]
text by Martin Waligorski photo by Peter Alsterberg Micke Arreborn’s more relaxed project of last summer was this diorama of… hmm, what exactly? The puzzle has been somewhat clarified when I learned the title of this creation. Micke entitled his work Flygplan, meaning simply Aircraft. It took scrap parts from […]
by Rick Kent I believe some readers will raise their eyebrows seeing that I have captioned the most popular German fighter ever Me 109 rather than Bf 109. Well, there is an explanation. During my work as the librarian of the RAF Museum I studied several copies of German books […]
Tech Tips from IPMS Stockholm Här är några tips för de modellbyggare som vill förbättra sin grundläggande teknik att bygga plastmodeller. Kanske håller du på att brottas med en av din första projekt. Kanske har du byggt flera, men vill ta ett steg till. Några små insatser kan göra mycket […]
by Martin Waligorski Happy New Year! Well, another century is behind us. I didn’t finish nearly as many models as I would have liked to. But the ones that I did finish will now go into history as genuine 20th Century antiquities! One for us significant achievement of this century […]
by Rick Kent McDonnell Phantom FG.1, 892 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, H.M.S. Ark Royal, 1970 The first British customer for the Phantom was the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy, who ordered it as a replacement for the Sea Vixen in 1964. This version was known as the […]