Alm. Brand' Draken 1/72

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Inlägg: 115
Blev medlem: 21 aug 2012, 12:50
Namn: Nikolaj
Ort: Riga, Latvia

Alm. Brand' Draken 1/72

Inlägg av VolshebNik »

Hello mine venner! :)

Month ago I rolled off from the project where I spent about 8 years. It is Danish insurance company called Alm. Brand, short from Almindelig Brand and I do not need to translate it for you, right? ;)

Some of my colleagues are modelers as well and suddenly I got idea to make a model for company to save the memories about good times spent together.

My first intention was to finish Heller’s Viggen 1/72, which I started long time ago. But I realized it it to be a challenge, considering all the plans I had on that model. And 2 months ago after trip to Copenhagen and visiting Stoppel I found a solution – Hasegawa Draken 1/72. It is also Swedish aircraft and it was also flying in Denmark. Another argument was that Hasegawa kit is good enough, it has inner panel lines (so I will not have problems on part joints and sanding) and enough detail level for the present.
That’s how decided to start with that promising myself to go without much enhancements 
I had only 2 weeks before final business trip. So, it was quite risky and challenging decision, because I was very short on time.

About the design.
There were developers from Denmark, Sweden and Latvia in the project and I was looking for the way of putting that on the model through paintjob. Also I wanted to put company’s original blue logo on the model. You can see how I made it on the model.
In addition to that I wanted to add something special on the bottom side of the model. I was inspired by Björn Eriksson Draken in 48 and decided to give “mirror” effect on fuselage on the bottom. And then add some panel-effect, painting 2 panels in other Alclad shades. One of them (closer to rear wheel) is called spectral chrome and it gives you rainbow effect when sun light is getting on that.
And after doing that I found that fuel tanks could be associated with project budget. And paint them in Gold. This was my first experience with Gunze Mr. Hobby Gold paint and I was surprised a lot about result. You can get really shiny and mirroring effect after doing light polishing of the paint.

I was also considering to make a WIP here right away, but was not sure I will have enough time to illustrate my progress for you, my friends. So, I do it now.
Will start with final model and then show some “in progress” pictures a bit later.

Any comments are welcome
Inlägg: 115
Blev medlem: 21 aug 2012, 12:50
Namn: Nikolaj
Ort: Riga, Latvia

Re: Alm. Brand' Draken 1/72

Inlägg av VolshebNik »

Henrik R
Inlägg: 2969
Blev medlem: 25 jan 2012, 20:19
Ort: Rockholm

Re: Alm. Brand' Draken 1/72

Inlägg av Henrik R »

Den var gullig! Nice Work!
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